“I’d love to cook more at home, but I’m just sooo bad at it!”

What if you could make cooking more fun and less stressful?

Would you throw a dinner party for your friends? Cook up a favorite family recipe when you’re homesick? Stop relying on takeout?

A few years back, I started teaching some friends to cook. Friends who, by most measurements, were fairly successful young adults who just never learned how – and worse, now they were too scared to try. (What if they failed? Do they get their adult card revoked?)

But I’ll tell you a secret: OliveJess cooking classes are designed so you can't fail! (Really and truly: even mistakes usually still taste fine. Promise, cross my heart.)

Now, I coach novice home cooks, using a holistic approach to find
more empowerment
more confidence
more creativity
and more enjoyment
in the essential self-care practice of cooking. 
(And some kitchen dance parties, too!)

Here’s how it works:

Olive the classes are approximately 1.5–2 hours and meet on Zoom (I knowww, but there won’t be any awkward staring contests like in your weekly sales meeting – pinky swear! And you can show up in your PJs if you want. It’s your kitchen, after all.)

New class menus arrive each season – some are focused on one type of cooking or skill, while others are themed to events or specific cuisines.
Mix and match classes to build your own cooking toolkit!
(And if you want something even more customized, give me a shout – we can make that happen.)

There are multiple ways to get cooking
with OliveJess:

My aim is to make you feel like a friend is just hanging out with you in your kitchen, offering the encouragement you need to cook with confidence!

No matter the type of learning experience you desire, my kitchen classroom is easygoing and runs at your pace. Ask all the questions, have me repeat something, whatever you need!

Don’t just take my word for it…see what past
OliveJess students say about the classes:

Still have questions? Sign up for a Free Discovery Call and we’ll find the right class for you.