Cook with confidence!

(everyone’s gotta eat…maybe you can learn to enjoy the process?)

No more panicking at the market and leaving with a bag full of random groceries and no idea what to do with them.

No more uneaten food wasting away in the fridge, or learning one specialty dish that requires a million new ingredients you’ll never touch again.

Learn the fundamentals, from techniques to flavors to meal planning, and feel more empowered when you’re shopping and cooking.

Soon, you’ll be able to look in your fridge and effortlessly get a delicious dinner on the table. Say goodbye to takeout!

Okay…But What’s a cooking coach?

I’m a believer in cooking, first and foremost, as a form of self-care. Cooking is also a creative outlet, a stress reliever, and a way to show love to others. I didn’t go to culinary school, and you don’t have to, either, in order to become a great home cook. Sometimes it just takes practicing the basics and a coach to cheer you on!

Think of me like your personal trainer, but instead of crunches, lunges, and cardio drills, we’re going to chop, season, and sauté your way to a new you - one who can cook with confidence!

still have questions?

Wondering if a group class or private lesson is better for you? Let’s chat!

Recipes, tips & Tricks,
Food News, and more…